
Eating well for motherhood begins with nourishing yourself before pregnancy! Sally has assisted many clients in realizing their pregnancy dream come true. With Sally you will learn how to prepare and have a healthy pregnancy and raise healthy children. Sally was featured as the nutritional expert for pregnancy for on NBC’s “Dateline”.

Contact Sally for your motherhood session!

What people are saying about Sally on Motherhood:

Thanks Sally, my wife and I were both inspired and we will bring this home to our children. – K.T., California

I have been blessed by Sally’s sage counsel for almost 15 years. She has held my hand through several pregnancies…from the initial hope, to conception, to fruition. I continue to rely on her nutritional plan and on her suggested supplements to achieve optimal health for myself, and my thriving children. I am so grateful for Sally! – S. New York

Thank you!! You are the rain that made me bloom in midwinter! – A.M., New York

I just wanted to let you know that my son’s hair is growing back! Thank you so much for your help! Now I can see really blonde hair in the spots where it was missing and we are just so pleased for him to have hair back! Thank you again! – C.F., Indiana

I just had to give you a quick update concerning my daughter. You had such an impact on her- I don’t know if you remember, but she was very angry about having to come to see you for help. In fact if I remember correctly she was distant towards you. Well, has life has it’s way of bringing certain people in our lives, having them make a positive effect on us- you my dear had a major effect on my daughter, and she wants to study Nutrition and Physical Therapy. She has even spoke of studying the eyes, being able to look in a persons eyes to see what is wrong with them just like the woman you took me to. You! Thank you, – B., New York

So now I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU for being part of THE BEST
year of my life!!! I am a super duper proud mom. – V.N., California

HE’S HERE…………..HE’S HERE…………..HE’S HERE!!!!!!
Jr. has arrived and is more delicious that I ever could have imagined. There are no words to describe this feeling of JOY and LOVE. “Thanking God” has taken on new meaning and it is heaven on earth. Much love….much, much love…. xxoo – S.C., California

The babies arrived and are healthy and beautiful. We are all doing great.
Thank you for a dream come true! – N.M., New York

Your book unexpectedly brought back all the memories of my mom sitting with me and my sisters and teaching us about food…what foods had what vitamins, making yogurt, etc. I’m so happy to have sought your guidance out…thank you! – P.M., California

Sally Kravich

M.S. Holistic Nutrition
Author & Speaker
Body & Soul Nutrition

New York + 1-212-946-1623
Los Angeles + 1-310-285-3528

Contact Sally

As seen in

Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Essence, Natural Health, Better Nutrition, Dateline, Donny&Marie, W.B. News, WOR Radio NYC, KPFK Radio LA, The Hair Bible, Take it to Heart, and Self-Seduction. You will also find her referenced in upcoming books in Fall 2011 as the nutritional expert on foods for children and a beauty book.